Frequently Asked Question

How to make your site GDPR Compliant with our theme?
Last Updated 3 years ago

There are different ways and parts you should consider. Here are full details about GDPR with WordPress:

We are describing some basic steps. Please see below points:

Remove Google Fonts:

The first and most important is to remove all external sources. The first is Google Fonts which is a third party service provided by Google directly. The overall process is to remove all Google Fonts from your site.

But also we need Google Fonts for the beautiyful design. So we can host Google Fonts localy on the server directly. So you can use OMGF | GDPR Compliant, Faster Google Fonts. Easy plugin to remove all Google Fonts and load all fonts locally. This is fully dynamic and the plugin will do all the steps automatically. Just install and activate the plugin.

Removing tp-material-icons line:

Still some other resources will appear on your site. For example,


This is not required as this is just Material icon library which is used by Revolution Slider plugin only for their option. We can remove this as this is not required by our design. To remove this, install WordPress Assets manager plugin and activate it. See this video for full details:

That's all for now. If you still find a problem then please create a ticket on our support site at so our team will guide you on this.

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