Frequently Asked Question

My site is too slow (Speed issue)
Last Updated 3 years ago

We are using standard code structure so our theme is quite fast to load. Also we are following all SEO rules so the code is quite clear and filtered. If it looks slow than we recommend you to follow steps given below:

  • We are providing option to load minify (compressed) version of CSS and JS files. But sometimes this options got disabled so it will load bigger (uncompressed) files. To solve this. Just go to theme options and enable to load Minify version of CSS and JS files.

  • WordPress will create clone of page content (in database) whenever you edit any page. This happens by AutoSave option which runs automatically. So the database is quite heavy. To clear this, I recommend you to use "Clean Up Optimizer" plugin and filter your database.
  • We are using CloudFlare service ( ) which makes the site quite fast. They are providing free and paid both services. Technically, it creates HTML version of each page on their (cloudflare) server and distribute it directly so it's quite fast. We are using their free service.
  • If you don't want to use CloudFlare service than you can try some caching plugins. There are also some plugin that will do same like this. The plugins are WP Super Cache , WP Total Cache and WP Fastest Cache which will create HTML version on your hosting directly.
  • Use Gzip compression for your site. Just install Enable Gzip Compression plugin and configure it.
  • Remove unwanted page/posts so your database will be fast to reply.
  • Some servers also quite slow to response. So contact hosting service provider and ask them to speed up if required.

There may be some other ways too but you need to study yourself.

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